ASBA-Show this Weekend!

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Come and join me and several other bovine artist for a paint out! The American Society Of Bovine Artist Show in Gruene, Texas this Saturday and Sunday, October 22-23. We will be on the grounds of Cactus Jacks in Gruene. Check out my new painting just for the show!

Bovine Buddies. 60″ x 48″ for sale at Cactus Jacks
This is a painting of our neighbor’s bulls. Big Head and Alamo. They were so fun to see everyday as I drove by their pasture. Big head was approx 11 1/2 years old, and about 2,300 pounds….a Big boy. Our neighbor Ron had him for about 9 years and would spend many sunsets afternoons in the pasture sitting on Big Heads back. Big head passed away a year ago and was buried in Ron’s back pasture. After Big head’s passing, Alamo was distraught, so Ron found him a new home with a nice herd to call his own.

Here is the photo’s that I used to paint this painting. In the original photo Alamo had his head on the ground. I used photoshop to put his head upright and then used that photo as my reference.

 Original Photo
Alamo alone 
Photoshop image for reference 

Photoshop is a great tool. As you can see there is still a small part of the original horn from Alamo in the photo. I didn’t feel it was necessary to spend too much time cleaning up this reference photo since it was just for my own use.

Maybe sometime I will be able to put on a photoshop workshop through our SCBWI-SWTX group.