Sweet LavenderSweet Lavender
Sweet Lavender (oil on canvas, 8 x 10) click here to buy this painting This was one of my earlier paintings when I was really playing around with mixing the [...]
Sweet Lavender (oil on canvas, 8 x 10) click here to buy this painting This was one of my earlier paintings when I was really playing around with mixing the [...]
Agave (Oil on canvas, 8 x 10) I enjoyed painting this close up of an agave plant. We put many small ones around our property here in the Texas hill [...]
I am back from hibernation! I have been to several conferences since the last post. I would like to play catch-up, but I think I will just move on. When [...]
Something to Blog about SCBWI-Winter Conference in New York was an amazing experience. I would encourage anyone in the writing and illustrative children’s book field to try to attend. As [...]
Lola…la..la..la..la..lola Little Lola is a commissioned piece I recently did for a friend. [...]
Cardinals 6 In the flowers oil in canvas 4 x 6 [...]
Cardinals 4 Red on blue oil on canvas 4 x 6 [...]
Cardinal 2 Something more tropical Oil on Canvas 4 x 6 [...]